Rock Dog Innovations LLC is not responsible if you purchase an item you cannot legally possess in your state, county, or city. Some states, including but not limited to: Washington, California, New York, Massachusetts, Connecticut, Hawaii, and New Jersey, restrict the sale and ownership of certain firearms and/or firearm parts and accessories. It is your responsibility to know your state and local laws before making a purchase at Rock Dog Innovations LLC.
Rock Dog Innovations LLC is not liable for any mistakes made by consumers, professionals or private individuals when attaching any product purchased from Rock Dog Innovations LLC. Always validate fit and function of any products prior to shooting. Rock Dog Innovations LLC is not held liable for any failures in disassembly or assembly of any firearm. If you deem your skills unfit to correctly attach any product or assemble/disassemble your firearm, have a professional individual perform the process for you.
When purchasing any products from Rock Dog Innovations LLC, you are agreeing to not copy, reproduce, or reverse engineer any component of the products design to be used and resold for capital gain for any business or private individual.